Auto Accident Lawyers With Experience
If you were a passenger or a driver who was injured in an motor vehicle accident, you should contact an experienced Houston Auto Accident Lawyer from Schechter, Shaffer & Harris, LLP today. Many cases we handle involve serious, life-threatening injuries or even death. You and your family may be eligible for financial compensation from a variety of parties. You can recover lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and a host of other damages, depending upon the facts of your case.
Thousands of auto, motorcycle and semi truck accident victims have been helped
We take cases where accidents occurred due to negligent driver behavior, dangerous road conditions or road design, defective vehicle design or parts, speeding, driving impairment, failure to properly maintain a vehicle, adequately securing cargo, and a variety of other causes. Common classifications of these accidents are head-on collisions, run-off-road collisions, side collisions and rollovers. We have represented thousands of injured parties and/or families with deceased loved ones and have obtained millions of dollars in settlement funds in motor vehicle accident cases from the Greater Houston area.