Riding your bike in Texas means you also have to share the road with other vehicles. Several motor vehicle accidents occur between cyclists and vehicles in Texas every year, and the lack of visibility can be a common culprit when riding at night—but is it illegal to do so? Let’s take a look at Texas bicycle laws for the answer.
The Law Is Clear
Texas bicycle laws are extensive and thorough. This is because, in Texas, a bicycle is considered a vehicle. As such, riders must follow the same rules as motor vehicles do under the Texas Transportation Code. If you’re riding a bicycle in Texas, ensuring you know the law is absolutely essential.
Safe Nighttime Riding Is Your Responsibility
Although you may have ridden your bicycle at night without reflectors or lights in the past, you should know that this is illegal in the state of Texas. It’s legal to ride at night, but only if your bicycle is equipped with:
- A headlamp fixed to the front of your bicycle that shines a white This light should be visible for a minimum of 500 feet from the front of your bike.
- A red reflector that’s visible for 300 feet from the back of the bike.
- A red lamp that can be seen for 500 feet from the back of the bike.
Many cyclists attach red flashing lights to the back of their bikes, which is perfectly legal and greatly increases visibility.
Increase Visibility and Safety as You Reduce Liability
Accidents happen and, while you might not be able to avoid becoming involved in one, ensuring you’ve done as much as possible to increase your visibility just makes sense. How can you make yourself even safer and more visible for nighttime cycling? Well, although the law doesn’t require it, it does suggest the following.
Wearing a Helmet
Wearing a helmet while cycling at night isn’t mandatory, but it can prevent injury in the event you do become involved in an accident. If you do choose to wear a helmet, a white or brightly colored one will definitely increase your visibility to motorists. Reflective tape can add lots of visibility to a dark helmet.
High-Visibility Clothing
Light or bright clothing is another way to increase your visibility and safety while cycling on Texas roads. Clothing with reflective features can do much to make you more visible. A bright orange safety vest is a good item to have on hand in the event you are on the road longer than you expect to be.
Consult with an Attorney After an Accident
Knowing Texas’s road laws will keep you safe on your bike, but this can also be a very important piece of evidence in the event that you need legal assistance. If you’ve been involved in a wreck and need to contact a car accident attorney, Schechter, McElwee, Shaffer & Harris is a vehicle accident law firm with over 100 years of combined experience. Book your free consultation with us today: 1-832-574-5089.
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